Thinnect is working with the Institute of Software Science at Tallinn University of Technology are developing technology and solutions that can monitor urban air and measure traffic flows via hundreds of sensors powered by solar panels and connected by mesh network.

The sensor units placed on street lighting poles of Tallinn are connected via a wireless network. Different configurations of sensors can measure noise, microwave radars can analyze traffic conditions and microphone arrays can record object paths for further scientific research. For example, a student of Tallinn University of Technology collected bird singing and analyzed sounds generate by different bird species using microphones across the city.

The planned solution makes it possible to analyze traffic data in real time by city traffic board and measure noise levels generated by traffic and other sources. For example, the solution makes it possible to analyze how ambient noise and air quality change when maximum speed limit is lowered.

There are over 900 sensors over the city measuring different parameters and more will be added to the city.

It is one of the biggest IoT networks deployed in a city that can be used for different research projects and data collection for Smart City solutions.

The information was also shared by the city of Tallinn.